115 research outputs found

    Analysis of economic efficiency of breeding systems with different weaning ages of calves

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    O presente estudo objetivou avaliar o retorno econômico em rebanhos de cria submetidas ou não ao desmame precoce (DP), por três anos consecutivos. Através de resultados experimentais de desempenhos de rodeios de cria, simulou-se duas estruturas de rebanhos com diferentes idades de desmame para sistemas produtivos em áreas de 2000 hectares. A avaliação econômica foi realizada através das receitas dos sistemas com números, pesos e valores das categorias, subtraindo-se as despesas adicionais do desmame precoce. Foram considerados nos custos do DP os gastos adicionais com alimentação e manejo sanitário dos bezerros. As taxas de desmame foram de 83,6% para o (DP) e de 44,5% para desmame a idade convencional (DC). Os sistemas originaram a produção de 139.306 e 90.578 kg de bezerros para sistemas DP e DC, respectivamente. O sistema DP foi mais eficiente, produzindo lucro total de 19.361 kg de bezerros, com retorno de R5,76paracadaR 5,76 para cada R 1,00 investido. A soma das produções em kg de pesos das categorias de vacas, bezerros (as) foram de 103.848 e 65.115 kg para DP e DC, respectivamente. O aumento na taxa de prenhez aumentou a taxa de desfrute com 39,12 e 25,04 % respectivamente para DP e DC. Apesar dos gastos adicionais ao sistema produtivo, a utilização do DP permitiu maiores ganhos de pesos, melhor valorização no preço de vendas das vacas de descarte vendidas gordas para abate, viabilizando a sua utilização pelo superávit das receitas em relação às despesas comparado ao DC. O desmame precoce proporciona diluição dos custos e uma maior eficiência produtiva das vacas.This study aimed to evaluate the economic returns of beef cow herd subject or not to early weaning (EW), during three consecutive years. Using experimental results of the performance of beef cows, two structures of cow herds were simulated with different weaning ages of production systems in areas of 2,000 hectares. The economic evaluation was performed by the revenue of the systems with numbers, weights and values of the categories, subtracting the additional costs of EW. We considered in the costs of EW the additional spending on food and sanitary handling of calves. Weaning rates were 83.6% for EW and 44.5% for weaning at conventional age (CW). The systems originated the production of 139,306 and 90,578 kg of calves for the EW and CW systems, respectively. The EW system was more efficient, producing total profit of 19,361 kg of calves, with a return of R5.76foreachR 5.76 for each R 1.00 invested. The sum of the productions of weights of cows and calves were 103,848 and 65,115 kg for EW and CW, respectively. The increase in pregnancy rate increased the offtake rate with averages of 39.12 and 25.04%, respectively, for EW and CW. Despite the additional costs to the productive system, the use of EW showed the highest weight gain, best value in the sales price of cull cows sold fat for slaughter, enabling its use by the surplus of revenue over expenses compared to CW. Early weaning provides dilution of costs and greater production efficiency of cows

    Performance until the age of 15-16 months of beef calves weaned at 80 or 152 days of age

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    Avaliou-se o desenvolvimento de bezerros de corte submetidos a duas idades de desmame: precoce, em média com 80 dias de idade; convencional, em média com 152 dias de idade. Foram utilizados 105 bezerros Braford, nascidos nos anos de 2004 e 2005. Após o desmame, os bezerros foram mantidos em pastagens cultivadas de milheto (Pennisetum americanum) no primeiro e segundo verão e, no inverno/primavera, de aveia e azevém (Avena strigosa Schreb + Lolium multiflorum Lam). Foram avaliados os pesos corporais, ganhos de pesos médios diários e condição corporal. Houve interação significativa entre idade de desmame e ano para o ganho médio diário, tanto no desmame precoce como no desmame convencional, na pastagem de aveia e na de azevém. No período entre as duas idades de desmame, o ganho médio diário no desmame precoce foi maior em 2004 que em 2005 (0,499 vs 0,468 kg, respectivamente) e no desmame precoce ocorreu maior ganho médio diário em 2005 (0,493 vs 0,631 kg, respectivamente). Na pastagem de aveia e azevém, o ganho médio diário dos animais do desmame precoce em 2004 (0,666 kg) foi menor que em 2005 (0,760 kg), no entanto, não houve diferença entre os anos no caso dos animais do desmame convencional (0,720 e 0,723 kg, respectivamente) Durante os segundos verões, não houve diferença no ganho médio diário dos animais entre os desmames precoce e convencional. O peso dos animais do desmame precoce (158,2 kg) foi superior ao daqueles do desmame convencional (147,7 kg) no início da pastagem de inverno, porém, não diferiu no final. Ao final do verão, quando os novilhos atingiram 15-16 meses de idade, o peso corporal foi similar entre os desmames precoce (340,1 kg e 4,14 pontos) e convencional (332,8 kg e 4,15 pontos). A condição corporal final em 2004 foi maior (4,34) que em 2005 (3,96 pontos). Bezerros desmamados aos 80 dias de idade e alimentados adequadamente têm desempenho semelhante aos desmamados aos 152 dias de idade, atingindo desenvolvimento e acabamento adequados de abate para mercados específicos aos 15-16 meses de idade.The performance of beef calves submitted to two weaning ages (early weaning, at an average age of 80 days; conventional weaning, at an average age of 152 days) was evaluated. One hundred and five Braford calves born in 2004 and 2005, after weaning, were kept on pastures cultivated with pearl millet (Pennisetum americanum) in the first and second summer and, in winter/spring, they were kept on pastures with oat and ryegrass (Avena strigosa Schreb + Lolium multiflorum Lam). Body weight (BW), average daily weight gain (ADWG) and body condition (BC) were evaluated. There was a significant interaction among age at weaning and year for daily weight gain for early weaning as well as for conventional weaning on oat and ryegrass pastures. In the period between the two weaning ages, the daily weight gain in early weaning was higher in 2004 than in 2005 (0.499 vs 0.468 kg, respectively) and for early weaning, higher daily weight gain occurred in 2005 (0.493 vs. 0.631 kg, respectively) On oat and ryegrass pasture, average daily weight gain for early weaned animals in 2004 (0.666 kg) was lower than in 2005 (0.760 kg), however, there was no difference among years for conventional weaned animals (0.720 and 0.723 kg, respectively). During second summer periods, average daily weight gain did not differ among early and conventional weaned animals. Weight of early weaned animals (158.2 kg) was higher than conventional weaned animals (147.7 kg) in the beginning of winter grazing; however, it did not differ at the end. In the end of the summer, when calves were 15-16 months of age, body weight was similar among early weaned (340.1 and 4.14 points) and conventional (332.8 kg and 4.15 points) weaned animals. Final body condition, in 2004, was higher (4.34) than in 2005 (3.96 points). Calves weaned at 80 days of age and adequately fed present similar development as those weaned at 152 days of age, achieving development and finishing conditions to be slaughtered for specific markets at 15-16 months of age

    Characterization of knowledge about the Rhipicephalus microplus tick among cattle ranchers in the serra do sudeste range in Rio Grande do Sul state

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    O objetivo desta pesquisa foi determinar o conhecimento de 70 pecuaristas dos municípios de Caçapava do Sul e Lavras do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul, sobre o carrapato Rhipicephalus microplus, através da aplicação de questionário estruturado. Os resultados às questões das áreas de terra das propriedades mostram que 27%, 26%, 21,5%, 20% e 5,5%, tem mais de 500 ha, entre 150 a 300 ha, entre 300 a 500 ha, de 50 a 150 ha e menos de 50 ha, respectivamente; 75% dos produtores criam mais de 100 bovinos em suas propriedades; 84,3% têm pastagem cultivada para os bovinos e 15,7% só possuem campo nativo; 87,14% dos produtores relataram a Tristeza Parasitária Bovina como a principal doença transmitida por carrapatos e 76% realizam consulta de carrapaticidas por indicação de médico veterinário. Foram citadas 13 formulações e/ou associações de carrapaticidas. O teste de biocarrapaticidograma é uma ferramenta nova para 58,6% dos pecuaristas. A forma de controle realizada pelos produtores é tardia, com o uso de carrapaticidas químicos.The purpose of this research project was to determine knowledge of the Rhipicephalus microplus tick among seventy cattle ranchers in the Caçapava do Sul and Lavras do Sul municipalities in Rio Grande do Sul State, through completing a structured questionnaire. The replies to the questions on the land areas covered by the properties show that 27%, 26%, 21.5%, 20% and 5.5% cover more than 500 hectares, between 150 and 300 hectares, between 300 and 500 hectares, between 50 and 150 hectares, and under 50 hectares, respectively; 75% of the ranchers are raising more than 100 head of cattle; 84.3% have cultivated grazing pastures and 15.7% have only native grasslands; 87.14% of the ranchers rated bovine babesiosis as the main tick-borne disease, and 76% checked out tick control products recommended by veterinarians. They mentioned 13 formulations and/or associations of tick control products. The tick control biogram test is a new tool for 58.6% of these cattle ranchers. Producers use late control, based on tick control chemicals

    Rotational Grazing System “First and Last Grazers” for Beef Heifers

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o desenvolvimento de novilhas de corte no sistema de pastejo rotativo “ponta” e “rapador” durante o primeiro (Ano-1) e segundo (Ano-2) invernos/primaveras pós-desmama até o final do primeiro acasalamento aos 22-24 meses de idade. Setenta e seis bezerras de corte mestiças foram mantidas durante Ano-1 e Ano-2 em pastagem nativa melhorada de azevém (Lolium multiflorum L.) e trevo vesiculoso Yuchi (Trifolium vesiculosum cv. Yuchi). No período de verão/outono e acasalamento os animais foram mantidos em campo natural, em lote único. Os tratamentos Ponta (TP): grupo consumindo a metade superior da pastagem disponível; Rapador (TR): consumindo a metade inferior da pastagem foram testados. A evolução do peso vivo (PV) em cada etapa do experimento e ganho de peso médio diário (GMD) por período foram analisados. O peso vivo de TP diferiu do TR ao final do Ano-1 (195,6 vs. 168,1 kg), ao final do Ano-2 (316,3 vs. 274,1 kg) e ao início (318,5 vs. 275,7 kg) e final (341,5 vs. 304,4 kg) do acasalamento, respectivamente. O maior PV foi atribuído ao maior GMD obtido por TP sobre TR durante o uso da pastagem melhorada, com GMD de 0,790 vs 0,563 kg/dia e 0,753 vs. 0,522 kg/dia, no Ano-1 e Ano-2, respectivamente. Houve inversão no GMD com melhor desempenho do TR em relação ao TP (0,377 vs. 0,303 kg/dia) no acasalamento. O sistema de recria de novilhas para reposição, favorecendo determinado grupo de animais (TP), é uma das alternativas para obter pesos vivos satisfatórios, tornando-as aptas à concepção aos 22-24 meses de idade.The objective of this work was to evaluate the development of beef heifers in a rotational grazing system as “first grazers” and “last grazers” during the first (Year-1) and second (Year-2) winter/spring seasons post weaning until the end of the first mating at 22-24 months of age. Seventy-six crossbred female calves were maintained during Year-1 and Year-2 on improved natural pasture of ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum L.) and arrowleaf clover (Trifolium vesiculosum cv. Yuchi). During the summer/autumn period and mating season, the heifers were maintained on natural pasture as a unique mob. The First grazers (FG) treatments: group eating the superior half of the available pasture; Last grazers (LG): group eating the inferior half of the available pasture, were tested: The live weight evolution (LW) in each phase of the experiment and average daily weight gain (ADG) per period were analyzed. The live weight of FG differed from LG at the end of the Year-1 (195.6 vs. 168.1 kg), at the end of the Year-2 (316.3 vs. 274.1 kg), at the beginning (318.5 vs. 275.7 kg) and at the end (341.5 vs. 304.4 kg) of the mating period, respectively. The higher LW was due to the higher ADG obtained by FG over LG during the use of the improved pastures, with ADG of .790 vs. .563 kg/day and .753 vs. .522 kg/day, at Year-1 and Year-2, respectively. There was an inversion in the ADG with a better performance of LG in relation to FG (.377 vs. .303 kg/day, respectively), in the mating period. The raising systems for replacement heifers that favored a determined animal group (FG) is one of the alternatives to obtain a satisfactory live weights, making them able to conceive at 22-24 months of age

    Variability in the intake of supplements by grazing sheep

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    Although the practice of feeding supplements to grazing animals is widespread through the world, its efficiency still deserves further study. Factors associated with the supplements themselves, the animals being fed, the environment, and the grazing diet being supplemented together constitute a set of variables which affects not only acceptance and intake, but also the nutritional and economic efficiencies of supplementary feeding. This study is concerned with the feeding of supplements to grazing sheep under temperate climatic conditions. Oat grain, hay and molasses-urea blocks (Barastoc, KMM Pty. Ltd., Melbourne) were used initially, but subsequent experiments were confined to the utilization of molasses-urea blocks. Only recently have researchers emphasized the importance of variability in supplement intake between individuals within a herd or flock and estimates of intake, with large ranges between animals, have now appeared in the literature. Langlands and Bowles (1976) considered that such wide variabilities in intake, limit the effectiveness of all forms of supplementation. However, little is known about the factors affecting variability in a group situation and few attempts have been made to identify the possible factors inducing such wide ranges of intakes in grazing animals. Arnold and Bush (1968) identified three types. of sheep: "shy-feeders", periodic non-feeders, and over indulgers". In some situations social dominance has been observed to affect responses to supplements (Franklin and Sutton, 1952; Wagnon, 1965; Squires and Daws, 1975) , and Arnold and taller (1974) correlated the intake of supplements with body weights of sheep. Chapter 1 of this thesis reviews the direct and indirect effects on animal performance of the main factors related to the feeding of supplements. Chapter 2 presents estimations of intake of three supplements, oats, hay, molasses-urea block, made with sheep in small paddocks. Results of behavioural observations and body measurements of the sheep are presented and discussed separately in Chapter 3. Chapter 4 provides an assessment of the acceptability of molasses-urea blocks by seven different flocks of grazing sheep on five private properties. The effects of confining sheep in yards on their acceptance of the blocks are also reported. Few studies have sought to determine whether management stratagems may improve the rate of adaptation of sheep to molasses-urea blocks and induce more uniform intakes between animals. Pilot trials described in Chapter 5 were conducted to identify possible management procedures that may be suitable for these purposes. Four such procedures were sufficiently encouraging to justify testing in a replicated experiment, which is described in Chapter 6. These treatments were imposed on sheep confined in yards and fed hay at a submaintenance levels. The investigations described in Chapter 7 utilised a different approach and are concerned with the behavioural aspects of learning, a topic which has been intensively studied with laboratory animals but only rarely with farm animals. The effects of offering molasses-urea blocks to lambs in the pre-weaning period are assessed in terms of their acceptance of blocks in later life. Inevitably only a few experimental possibilities and combinations have been assessed in the work reported in this thesis. Major attention was directed towards molasses-urea blocks because they induced wider variability in the responses by sheep than did hay or grain supplements . The blocks used were those manufactured by KMM Pty. Ltd., Melbourne, had a hard texture for protection against wet weather conditions and required animals to lick them rather than chew them. Variations in block formulation were not studied in the work described in this thesis and it remains possible that other types of block may have produced different results

    Implantação de um sistema de indicadores de desempenho em empresa de pecuária de corte

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    It was aimed to propose a methodology for implementing a performance indicator system in a beef cattle company. Strategic goals and prioritization of process previously performed in the company was used as a support to the implementation. Possible indicators were listed and confronted with occasional restraints to its implementation and further analyzed by the Balanced Score Card (BSC) point of view. Subsequently, indicators were individually analyzed and their relationship with the company’s strategic goals was determined. Seventeen indicators were selected, two under financial perspective, nine under process perspective, four under customer perspective, and two under development and learning perspective. The relationship analysis showed that the indicators support appropriate monitoring of the critical processes to achieve the strategic goals, thereby consolidating the management system.Objetivou-se neste trabalho propor uma metodologia para implantação de um sistema de indicadores de desempenho para empresas de pecuária de corte. Foram utilizados como suporte à implementação os objetivos estratégicos e a priorização de processos previamente realizados na empresa. Os possíveis indicadores foram listados e confrontados com as eventuais restrições à implantação e posteriormente analisados pela óptica do Balanced Score Card (BSC). Na sequência, procedeu-se à análise individual dos indicadores escolhidos e de seu relacionamento com os objetivos estratégicos da empresa. Foram selecionados 17 indicadores, dois financeiros, nove de processos, quatro dos clientes e dois de aprendizado e crescimento. Evidenciou-se, pela análise de relacionamento, que os indicadores permitem adequado monitoramento dos processos críticos para atingir os objetivos estratégicos consolidando o sistema de gestão

    Recria de bezerras com suplementação no outono e pastagem cultivada no inverno

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    Avaliou-se o desenvolvimento de bezerras de corte de diferentes rebanhos submetidas no pós-desmame a níveis de suplementação em pastagem nativa no outono e em pastejo em aveia preta (Avena strigosa Schreb) e azevém (Lolium multiflorum Lam) durante o inverno, em um período total de 135 dias. Foram utilizadas 118 bezerras com sete meses de idade em maio de 2003, provenientes de três rebanhos distintos: R1 e R2 - bezerras Aberdeen Angus; RG - bezerras mestiças Aberdeen Angus. Os níveis de suplementação foram 0,7; 1,0 e 1,3% do PV. Na pastagem cultivada os animais ficaram em grupo único. Foram avaliados o PV, a condição corporal (CC), o ganho de peso médio diário (GMD), o ganho de condição corporal (GCC) e o crescimento relativo (CR). Não houve interação níveis de suplementação ´ rebanho. Durante o outono em pastagem nativa, as bezerras suplementadas com 1,3% do PV tiveram maior GMD (0,405 kg) em relação às de 0,7% do PV (0,300 kg). Na pastagem cultivada, o GMD não diferiu entre os níveis de suplementação do outono, com média de 0,820 kg. Considerando os diferentes rebanhos, os animais RG tiveram sempre PV e CC superiores aos demais. As bezerras do R1, com menor PV e CC inicial, igualaram-se às do R2 ao final do período hibernal. As bezerras R1 tiveram maior CR (77,1% do PV e 32,4% da CC) em relação as do R2 e RG, as quais tiveram em média 57,1% do PV e 14,7% da CC. As variáveis PV e CC iniciais foram altamente correlacionadas (r=0,811), entretanto, não tiveram correlação com GMD durante a recria. O PV e a CC final foram determinados pelo PV inicial e pelo GMD durante a recria. As bezerras mais pesadas à desmama não foram necessariamente as mais pesadas aos 12/13 meses de idade.This trial evaluated the effects of different levels of supplementation on the growth of weaned female beef calves grazing native pasture during the fall. Development of these same animals grazing pastures of black oat (Avena strigosa Schreb) and annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam) during the winter were also investigated. One hundred-eighteen female calves averaging seven months of age from three distinct herds: H1 and H2 (Aberdeen Angus animals) and H3 (crossbred Aberdeen Angus animals) were used. Calves grazing the native pasture were supplemented with a commercial concentrate as follows: 0.7, 1.0 or 1.3% of body weight (BW). During the winter, animals were moved to pastures of black oat and annual ryegrass and were all maintained in the same group. The following measurements were taken: BW, body condition (BC), average daily gain (ADG), body condition gain (BCG), and relative growth (RG). No significant supplementation levels ´ herd interactions were detected. Animals grazing native pasture supplemented with 1.3% BW as concentrate had greater ADG (0.405 kg) than those supplemented with 0.7% BW (0.300 kg). The ADG of animals grazing black oat and annual ryegrass did not differ and averaged 0.820 kg. Within the three herds, animals from H3 had greater BW and BC than those from H1 and H2. Calves from H1 with lower initial BW and BC showed compensatory growth and had similar BW and BC compared to H2 calves at the end of the winter period. H1 calves had higher RG (77.1% of BW and 32.4% of BC) than H2 and H3 calves, which averaged 57.1% of BW and 14.7% of BC. Initial BW and BC were highly correlated (r=0.811) but both were not correlated with ADG during rearing. The final BW and BC were affected by initial BW and ADG during rearing. Calves with the greatest BW at weaning were not always the heaviest animals at one year of age

    Suplementação energética pré-acasalamento aos 13/15 meses de idade para novilhas de corte : desenvolvimento e desempenho reprodutivo

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    Avaliou-se o efeito da suplementação pré-acasalamento no desempenho reprodutivo de novilhas de corte aos 13/15 meses de idade. Foram utilizadas 89 novilhas com média de 12 meses de idade e peso corporal (PC) médio inicial de 242 kg, provenientes de três rebanhos (novilhas Aberdeen Angus das Fazendas Santa Cecília e Capitão Rodrigo e novilhas mestiças Aberdeen Angus) submetidas a regime alimentar exclusivamente em pastejo ou com suplementação a pasto com grão de milho moído. As novilhas foram agrupadas dentro dos regimes alimentares considerando o peso inicial e o rebanho. O suplemento foi fornecido diariamente na proporção de 0,7% do peso corporal por 29 dias em pastagem de aveia (Avena strigosa Schreb) e azevém (Lolium multiflorum Lam) e 19 dias em pastagem natural. O pastejo foi contínuo com taxa de lotação variável. As variáveis analisadas foram: peso corporal, condição corporal, ganho de peso médio diário, ganho de condição corporal, porcentagem de novilhas púberes, taxa de prenhez e ordem de concepção. Não houve interação regimes alimentares × rebanhos. Durante o pré-acasalamento, o maior ganho médio diário das novilhas sob suplementação foi maior (0,800 kg) que o daquelas sem suplementação (0,658 kg). No período reprodutivo, as novilhas perderam peso, média de -0,104 kg/dia. O peso corporal das novilhas mestiças foi sempre superior ao das Aberdeen Angus do rebanho Santa Cecília. As novilhas Aberdeen Angus do rebanho Capitão Rodrigo tiveram maior percentagem de novilhas púberes (80%) e taxa de prenhez (48%). A suplementação energética por 48 dias pré-acasalamento proporciona maior taxa de prenhez em novilhas de corte aos 13/15 meses de idade.The effect was assessed of pre-mating supplementary feeding on the reproductive performance of 13-15 month old beef heifers. Eighty-nine heifers were used with a mean age of 12 months and mean body weight (BW) of 242 kg from three herds Aberdeen Angus heifers from the Santa Cecilia and Capitao Rodrigo ranches and crossbred Aberdeen Angus heifers) in a feeding system of only grazing pasture or supplemented heifers on pasture with milled corn grain. The supplement was offered daily at the proportion of 0.7% of the BW for 29 days on Oats (Avena strigosa Schreb) and annual Ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam) cultivated pastures and 19 days on natural pasture. The grazing was continuous with variable stocking rate. The variables analyzed were: body weight, body condition, average daily live weight gain, body condition gain, percentage of pubescent heifers, pregnancy rate and conception order. There was no feeding systems × herd interaction. During the pre-mating, the supplemented heifers had greater ADG, 0.800 kg, compared to those without supplementation, 0.658 kg. During the mating period, the heifers lost weight, mean of -0.104 kg/day. The variables body weight and body condition did not differ at the beginning of the mating period mean of 277 kg and 3.6 points, respectively. The supplemented heifers showed higher percentage of pubescent heifers (78%) and higher pregnancy rate (47%). There was herd × period interaction for body weight. The body weight variation was quadratic for the three herds. Crossbred heifers always had greater body weight compared to the Santa Cecília Angus heifers. Capitão Rodrigo Angus heifers had higher higher percentage of pubescent heifers (80%) and PR (48%). Energy supplementation during 48 days pre-mating promoted higher pregnancy rate in 13 to 15 month old beef heifers

    Suplementação energética pré-acasalamento aos 13/15 meses de idade para novilhas de corte : desenvolvimento e desempenho reprodutivo

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    Avaliou-se o efeito da suplementação pré-acasalamento no desempenho reprodutivo de novilhas de corte aos 13/15 meses de idade. Foram utilizadas 89 novilhas com média de 12 meses de idade e peso corporal (PC) médio inicial de 242 kg, provenientes de três rebanhos (novilhas Aberdeen Angus das Fazendas Santa Cecília e Capitão Rodrigo e novilhas mestiças Aberdeen Angus) submetidas a regime alimentar exclusivamente em pastejo ou com suplementação a pasto com grão de milho moído. As novilhas foram agrupadas dentro dos regimes alimentares considerando o peso inicial e o rebanho. O suplemento foi fornecido diariamente na proporção de 0,7% do peso corporal por 29 dias em pastagem de aveia (Avena strigosa Schreb) e azevém (Lolium multiflorum Lam) e 19 dias em pastagem natural. O pastejo foi contínuo com taxa de lotação variável. As variáveis analisadas foram: peso corporal, condição corporal, ganho de peso médio diário, ganho de condição corporal, porcentagem de novilhas púberes, taxa de prenhez e ordem de concepção. Não houve interação regimes alimentares × rebanhos. Durante o pré-acasalamento, o maior ganho médio diário das novilhas sob suplementação foi maior (0,800 kg) que o daquelas sem suplementação (0,658 kg). No período reprodutivo, as novilhas perderam peso, média de -0,104 kg/dia. O peso corporal das novilhas mestiças foi sempre superior ao das Aberdeen Angus do rebanho Santa Cecília. As novilhas Aberdeen Angus do rebanho Capitão Rodrigo tiveram maior percentagem de novilhas púberes (80%) e taxa de prenhez (48%). A suplementação energética por 48 dias pré-acasalamento proporciona maior taxa de prenhez em novilhas de corte aos 13/15 meses de idade.The effect was assessed of pre-mating supplementary feeding on the reproductive performance of 13-15 month old beef heifers. Eighty-nine heifers were used with a mean age of 12 months and mean body weight (BW) of 242 kg from three herds Aberdeen Angus heifers from the Santa Cecilia and Capitao Rodrigo ranches and crossbred Aberdeen Angus heifers) in a feeding system of only grazing pasture or supplemented heifers on pasture with milled corn grain. The supplement was offered daily at the proportion of 0.7% of the BW for 29 days on Oats (Avena strigosa Schreb) and annual Ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam) cultivated pastures and 19 days on natural pasture. The grazing was continuous with variable stocking rate. The variables analyzed were: body weight, body condition, average daily live weight gain, body condition gain, percentage of pubescent heifers, pregnancy rate and conception order. There was no feeding systems × herd interaction. During the pre-mating, the supplemented heifers had greater ADG, 0.800 kg, compared to those without supplementation, 0.658 kg. During the mating period, the heifers lost weight, mean of -0.104 kg/day. The variables body weight and body condition did not differ at the beginning of the mating period mean of 277 kg and 3.6 points, respectively. The supplemented heifers showed higher percentage of pubescent heifers (78%) and higher pregnancy rate (47%). There was herd × period interaction for body weight. The body weight variation was quadratic for the three herds. Crossbred heifers always had greater body weight compared to the Santa Cecília Angus heifers. Capitão Rodrigo Angus heifers had higher higher percentage of pubescent heifers (80%) and PR (48%). Energy supplementation during 48 days pre-mating promoted higher pregnancy rate in 13 to 15 month old beef heifers

    Recria de bezerras com suplementação no outono e pastagem cultivada no inverno

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    Avaliou-se o desenvolvimento de bezerras de corte de diferentes rebanhos submetidas no pós-desmame a níveis de suplementação em pastagem nativa no outono e em pastejo em aveia preta (Avena strigosa Schreb) e azevém (Lolium multiflorum Lam) durante o inverno, em um período total de 135 dias. Foram utilizadas 118 bezerras com sete meses de idade em maio de 2003, provenientes de três rebanhos distintos: R1 e R2 - bezerras Aberdeen Angus; RG - bezerras mestiças Aberdeen Angus. Os níveis de suplementação foram 0,7; 1,0 e 1,3% do PV. Na pastagem cultivada os animais ficaram em grupo único. Foram avaliados o PV, a condição corporal (CC), o ganho de peso médio diário (GMD), o ganho de condição corporal (GCC) e o crescimento relativo (CR). Não houve interação níveis de suplementação ´ rebanho. Durante o outono em pastagem nativa, as bezerras suplementadas com 1,3% do PV tiveram maior GMD (0,405 kg) em relação às de 0,7% do PV (0,300 kg). Na pastagem cultivada, o GMD não diferiu entre os níveis de suplementação do outono, com média de 0,820 kg. Considerando os diferentes rebanhos, os animais RG tiveram sempre PV e CC superiores aos demais. As bezerras do R1, com menor PV e CC inicial, igualaram-se às do R2 ao final do período hibernal. As bezerras R1 tiveram maior CR (77,1% do PV e 32,4% da CC) em relação as do R2 e RG, as quais tiveram em média 57,1% do PV e 14,7% da CC. As variáveis PV e CC iniciais foram altamente correlacionadas (r=0,811), entretanto, não tiveram correlação com GMD durante a recria. O PV e a CC final foram determinados pelo PV inicial e pelo GMD durante a recria. As bezerras mais pesadas à desmama não foram necessariamente as mais pesadas aos 12/13 meses de idade.This trial evaluated the effects of different levels of supplementation on the growth of weaned female beef calves grazing native pasture during the fall. Development of these same animals grazing pastures of black oat (Avena strigosa Schreb) and annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam) during the winter were also investigated. One hundred-eighteen female calves averaging seven months of age from three distinct herds: H1 and H2 (Aberdeen Angus animals) and H3 (crossbred Aberdeen Angus animals) were used. Calves grazing the native pasture were supplemented with a commercial concentrate as follows: 0.7, 1.0 or 1.3% of body weight (BW). During the winter, animals were moved to pastures of black oat and annual ryegrass and were all maintained in the same group. The following measurements were taken: BW, body condition (BC), average daily gain (ADG), body condition gain (BCG), and relative growth (RG). No significant supplementation levels ´ herd interactions were detected. Animals grazing native pasture supplemented with 1.3% BW as concentrate had greater ADG (0.405 kg) than those supplemented with 0.7% BW (0.300 kg). The ADG of animals grazing black oat and annual ryegrass did not differ and averaged 0.820 kg. Within the three herds, animals from H3 had greater BW and BC than those from H1 and H2. Calves from H1 with lower initial BW and BC showed compensatory growth and had similar BW and BC compared to H2 calves at the end of the winter period. H1 calves had higher RG (77.1% of BW and 32.4% of BC) than H2 and H3 calves, which averaged 57.1% of BW and 14.7% of BC. Initial BW and BC were highly correlated (r=0.811) but both were not correlated with ADG during rearing. The final BW and BC were affected by initial BW and ADG during rearing. Calves with the greatest BW at weaning were not always the heaviest animals at one year of age